(Post consummation) WELL so it appeared that the day for dear brother of mine and his newly wed wife went off without a hitch. Well, not quite. But I believe that was the intention behind the ordeal, so I'd say everything's alive and well. Save for some largely overused cameras. The event was heavily covered by photographers and family alike. As you might notice in the photograph below, multiple camerafolk indulged in their shooting techniques simultaneously. Poses were taken from all angles--and so were shots.
Should you ever be enrolled in Photography 101, bring this one to class for bonus points in your research project on paparazzi photography and sneaking side shots. Otherwise, you can check out the wedding party for Dave's and Sarah's wedding as pictured here.
Nicely phrased all around. Btw, where did you find your blogpage template? it's exquisite!!! very original.
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