Perpetual Poet

Location: Montreal, Quebec

Saturday, May 06, 2006

New APS Poster

Well friends, today I unveiled my first official poster for the Alive Poets Society, an association which I will bring to life at Redeemer University College in the upcoming academic year. The original concept of this poster featured the lines "Meticulous Melodies Might Mesmerize... but Peculiar Poetry will Penetrate Past the Point of Percussion." Well, I ran out of room, I guess you could say - and, as the purpose of a poster is to simply attract spectators with a simple tagline, I cut it down considerably. Enjoy this for now, and you can be sure more promotion will surface in the upcoming months!

(Note: Click the image for a full-sized poster.)

Monday, May 01, 2006



May. A time of renewal.
A time for enjoying, running through the cool
Long grass, stress aside
With the lack of school.

May. A time of believing.
A time of perceiving creation as being a form
Of everything that makes life worth living.

May. A time of hope.
A display of grace
That comes with replenishing the face
Of the earth, in wondrous scope.

May. A time of employment.
A time of fulfillment
To match all enjoyment.

May. A time of rejoicing.
A time of proclaiming
The glory of a King now ascended.

May. A time of healing.
A time of sealing the old,
Bringing life to the new,
Through the impact of positive feeling.

May. A time to surrender.
A time to remember
That we have a Saviour.

May. 'Tis a wonderful season.
All events occur for a reason.

Remember this May that come what may,
You have a purpose in life; that is to say,
A good work has begun within you -
So begin making a change today!

Andrew Vlasblom
Copyright (C) 2006