Location: Montreal, Quebec

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

And So It Begins...

The 1st day of March. Ash Wednesday. So begins the blog of a perpetual poet, and the dawning of a new genre of poetic complexity, yet simplicity; freedom of speech yet restrictive; creative writing, yet plagiarism in a sense.

For what is completely original? What's not cliche these days? Is it possible to create a work of art so inventive, unorthodox and unstylistic so as to circumvent all manner of unoriginality?

Of course. The answers in sequential order are as follows: Me, me, and yes, I do it all the time!

To address the first issue, complexity yet simplicity. Very nice. However, complexity is usually individually assessed, no? Ditto to Simplicity. So the answer is simple, as it would seem that both are to be marked according to one's own perception. That seems straightforward to me. Yet another may disagree!

Freedom of speech, yet feeling restricted. Am I restricted? By no means, no. Would I parade in the city streets and declare myself to be the Prime Minister of Canada? Likely not. Could I? By all means, yes! Provide competent compensation and I'm there!

Creative writing, yet plagiarism in a sense. Okay, do a Google search online using any portion of this text. See if there are any matches. There inevitably are. Did I use any of those sources in creating this blog? Nope. Don't believe it? That's your problem.

So you see, to every issue there is an answer, yet to some degree marked by uncertainty. (Except for mathematical equations, which while having a concept so simple, can translate into problems so complex that one might be tempted to abuse themselves by yanking their hair out. Which raises the theory that mathematics may indeed be a cause of violence and self-destruction; Math = representative of Euthanasia? Hardly, with violence being a factor...?)

Anyway, I conclude my opening spiel with these words: In everything, be diligent. Except for the unvirtuous things. Because unvirtuous things translate into nondiligence. And being diligent in nondiligent things kind of contradicts itself.

Now if that doesn't answer your question about plagiarism, I'm not sure what will. Just check out the credited source!

(Is nondiligence an actual word?...)


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